Thursday, December 11, 2008

Resume Sections

The Sections of the Resume are listed below in the order that they should be written. Each area lists the information that should be included and the order in which it should be listed. Areas in bold type below should be in bold type on your Resume. All areas should be on the left side of the screen, except your name, which should be centered at the top of the page.
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
City, State/Province, Country, Zip Code
Area Code and Telephone Number (Home)
Area Code and Telephone Number (Office — optional)
E-Mail Address (Optional)
Cell Telephone Number (Optional)

Experience Summary:

Listed below are the areas to include when writing your summary.
Number of years of experience or expertise
Field(s) of expertise or areas of skill (Designing, Evaluating, Installing, Problem-solving, etc.)
Type of industries worked in or preferred
Your preference to team or individual work
Proficiency in languages spoken — optional

Technical Summary:
Below are some sub-headers you may wish to use to list your various areas of expertise. List only those tools that you are proficient in and you wish to continue working in on your next assignment.
Operating Systems
Web Tools

Employment History:
Start your resume with your most recent job.
Dates of Employment (from mo/yr - to mo/yr)
Your Title (Designate whether Full-time Employee or Consultant)
Company Name
City, State/Province
Brief description of Company Business and client names (optional)
Brief description of Project and overall objective
Brief description of Your Role and then bullet the following statements starting with an action verb
List one "impact statement." (See separate page on how to write)
List two to four additional responsibilities.
Environment: List those items (Operating Systems, Languages, etc.) from your Technical Summary that you used while working at this company.

List all schools attended even if a degree wasn't obtained.
Colleges or Universities attended
Degree and Major Field or Course of Study
School Name, City and State/Province
Grade Point or Rank in School (Your Rank and Number of people in the Program)
Technical Institutions attended (Same information as above)
Training Courses, Seminars or Workshops completed
Name of Course, Company Sponsoring Course, if appropriate, Date, Certificate

Good Luck!!

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