Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to attract Recruters?

Resume Preparation: How to attract an HR?

Below are listed the sections of the resume and some pointers to help you prepare your resume.


The Header on the first page should be your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and/or cell telephone number.
Use your full name, no nicknames.
The entire Header is in bold typeface and is always centered in the middle of the page.

Experience Summary

This is the area that is used to catch the potential employer's eye and make them want to learn more about you.
It is a quick highlight of significant experiences or areas of expertise.

Technical Summary

This summary lists all the tools you have worked with in the past and want to continue working with in the future.

Employment History

Potential employers will be mainly interested in the most recent projects and technical skills used.
Work experiences should only be shown for the last 15 years. Skills used further back than that are not always applicable today.
Summaries written about the Company Description, Project Objective and your role should be brief (2 or 3 sentences each).
Reason for leaving a position is never listed on your resume, as this will be asked for on the job application or in the interview.
Salary is also never listed on a resume. A salary that is too high may eliminate you from consideration and a salary with a low figure may indicate to an employer that you will work for less than the salary they would have offered.


All honors or special achievements should always be listed, in addition to the college, course of study and grade point average/rank in class.
Listing the year of graduation is not necessary, as the year you graduated could lead an employer to discriminate against you due to age.

Now prepare yourself let me know your comment On this.

Good Luck!!

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